
Yann LeCun: Dark Matter of Intelligence and Self-Supervised Learning | Lex Fridman Podcast #258

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[Lex] The following is a conversation with Yann LeCun,
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[Lex] his second time on the podcast.
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[Lex] He is the chief AI scientist at Meta, formerly Facebook,
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[Lex] professor at NYU, touring award winner,
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[Lex] one of the seminal figures in the history
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[Lex] of machine learning and artificial intelligence,
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[Lex] and someone who is brilliant and opinionated
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[Lex] in the best kind of way,
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[Lex] and so is always fun to talk to.
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[Lex] This is the Lex Friedman podcast.
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[Lex] To support it, please check out our sponsors
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[Lex] in the description.
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[Lex] And now, here's my conversation with Yann LeCun.
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[Lex] You co-wrote the article,
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[Lex] "'Self-Supervised Learning,
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[Lex] the Dark Matter of Intelligence."
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[Lex] Great title, by the way, with Ishan Mizra.
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[Lex] So let me ask, what is self-supervised learning,
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[Lex] and why is it the dark matter of intelligence?
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[Yann] I'll start by the dark matter part.
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[Yann] There is obviously a kind of learning
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[Yann] that humans and animals are doing
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[Yann] that we currently are not reproducing properly
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[Yann] with machines or with AI, right?
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[Yann] So the most popular approaches
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[Yann] to machine learning today are,
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[Yann] or paradigms, I should say,
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[Yann] are supervised learning and reinforcement learning.
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[Yann] And they are extremely inefficient.
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[Yann] Supervised learning requires many samples
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[Yann] for learning anything,
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[Yann] and reinforcement learning requires
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[Yann] a ridiculously large number of trial and errors
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[Yann] for a system to learn anything.
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[Yann] And that's why we don't have self-driving cars.
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[Lex] That was a big leap from one to the other.
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[Lex] Okay, so to solve difficult problems,
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[Lex] you have to have a lot of human annotation
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[Lex] for supervised learning to work.
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[Lex] And to solve those difficult problems
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[Lex] with reinforcement learning,
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[Lex] you have to have some way to maybe simulate that problem
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[Lex] such that you can do that large-scale kind of learning
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[Lex] that reinforcement learning requires.
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[Yann] Right, so how is it that most teenagers
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[Yann] can learn to drive a car in about 20 hours of practice?
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[Yann] Whereas even with millions of hours of simulated practice,
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[Yann] a self-driving car can't actually learn
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[Yann] to drive itself properly.
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[Yann] And so, obviously, we're missing something, right?
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[Yann] And it's quite obvious for a lot of people
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[Yann] that the immediate response you get from many people is,
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[Yann] well, humans use their background knowledge
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[Yann] to learn faster, and they're right.
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[Yann] Now, how was that background knowledge acquired?
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[Yann] And that's the big question.
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[Yann] So now you have to ask,
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[Yann] how do babies in the first few months of life
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[Yann] learn how the world works?
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[Yann] Mostly by observation,
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[Yann] because they can hardly act in the world.
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[Yann] And they learn an enormous amount
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[Yann] of background knowledge about the world
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[Yann] that may be the basis of what we call common sense.
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[Yann] This type of learning is not learning a task,
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[Yann] it's not being reinforced for anything,
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[Yann] it's just observing the world and figuring out how it works.
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[Yann] Building world models, learning world models.
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[Yann] How do we do this?
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[Yann] And how do we reproduce this in machines?
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[Yann] So self-supervised learning is a very, very important thing
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[Yann] is one instance or one attempt
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[Yann] at trying to reproduce this kind of learning.
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[Lex] Okay, so you're looking at just observation,
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[Lex] so not even the interacting part of a child.
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[Lex] It's just sitting there watching mom and dad walk around,
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[Lex] pick up stuff, all of that.
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[Lex] That's what we mean by background knowledge.
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[Yann] Perhaps not even watching mom and dad,
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[Lex] Just having eyes open or having eyes closed
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[Lex] or the very act of opening and closing eyes
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[Lex] that the world appears and disappears,
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[Lex] all that basic information.
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[Lex] And you're saying in order to learn to drive,
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[Lex] like the reason humans are able to learn to drive quickly,
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[Lex] some faster than others,
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[Lex] is because of the background knowledge
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[Lex] in the many years leading up to it,
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[Lex] the physics of basic objects, all that.
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[Yann] That's right.
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[Yann] I mean, the basic physics of objects,
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[Yann] you don't even need to know how a car works
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[Yann] because that you can learn fairly quickly.
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[Yann] I mean, the example I use very often
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[Yann] is you're driving next to a cliff.
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[Yann] And you know in advance because of your understanding
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[Yann] of intuitive physics that if you turn the wheel
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[Yann] to the right, the car will veer to the right,
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[Yann] will run off the cliff, fall off the cliff,
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[Yann] and nothing good will come out of this, right?
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[Yann] But if you are a sort of tabularized
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[Yann] reinforcement learning system
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[Yann] that doesn't have a model of the world,
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[Yann] you have to repeat falling off this cliff
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[Yann] thousands of times before you figure out it's a bad idea.
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[Yann] And then a few more thousand times
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[Yann] before you figure out how to not do it.
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[Yann] And then a few more million times before you figure out
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[Yann] how to not do it in every situation you ever encounter.
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[Lex] So self-supervised learning still has to have
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[Lex] some source of truth being told to it by somebody.
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[Lex] So you have to figure out a way without human assistance
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[Lex] or without significant amount of human assistance
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[Lex] to get that truth from the world.
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[Lex] So the mystery there is how much signal is there,
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[Lex] how much truth is there that the world gives you,
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[Lex] whether it's the human world, like you watch YouTube
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[Lex] or something like that, or it's the more natural world.
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[Lex] So how much signal is there?
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[Yann] So here's the trick, there is way more signal
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[Yann] in sort of a self-supervised setting
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[Yann] than there is in either a supervised
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[Yann] or reinforcement setting.
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[Yann] And this is going to my analogy of the cake.
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[Yann] The luck cake, as someone has called it,
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[Yann] where when you try to figure out how much information
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[Yann] you ask the machine to predict and how much feedback
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[Yann] you give the machine at every trial.
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[Yann] In reinforcement learning,
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[Yann] you give the machine a single scalar.
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[Yann] You tell the machine you did good, you did bad.
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[Yann] And you only tell this to the machine once in a while.
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[Yann] When I say you, it could be the universe
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[Yann] telling the machine, right?
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[Yann] But it's just one scalar.
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[Yann] And so as a consequence,
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[Yann] you cannot possibly learn something very complicated
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[Yann] without many, many, many trials
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[Yann] where you get many, many feedbacks of this type.
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[Yann] Supervised learning, you give a few bits to the machine
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[Yann] at every sample.
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[Yann] Let's say you're training a system
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[Yann] on recognizing images on ImageNet,
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[Yann] there is 1,000 categories,
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[Yann] that's a little less than 10 bits of information per sample.
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[Yann] But self-supervised learning, here is the setting.
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[Yann] You ideally, we don't know how to do this yet,
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[Yann] but ideally you would show a machine a segment of a video
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[Yann] and then stop the video and ask the machine to predict
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[Yann] what's going to happen next.
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[Yann] And so you let the machine predict
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[Yann] and then you let time go by
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[Yann] and show the machine what actually happened
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[Yann] and hope the machine will learn to do a better job
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[Yann] at predicting next time around.
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[Yann] There's a huge amount of information you give the machine
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[Yann] because it's an entire video clip.
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[Yann] It's of the future after the video clip
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[Yann] you fed it in the first place.
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[Lex] So both for language and for vision,
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[Lex] there's a subtle, seemingly trivial construction,
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[Lex] but maybe that's representative
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[Lex] of what is required to create intelligence,
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[Lex] which is filling the gap.
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[Lex] So. Filling the gaps.
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[Yann] Filling the gaps.
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[Lex] It sounds dumb, but can you,
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[Lex] it is possible that you could solve
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[Lex] all of intelligence in this way.
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[Lex] Just for both language,
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[Lex] just give a sentence and continue it
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[Lex] or give a sentence and there's a gap in it.
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[Lex] Some words blanked out and you fill in what words go there.
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[Lex] For vision, you give a sequence of images
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[Lex] and predict what's going to happen next
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[Lex] or you fill in what happened in between.
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[Lex] Do you think it's possible that formulation alone
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[Lex] as a signal for self-supervised learning
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[Lex] can solve intelligence for vision and language?
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[Yann] I think that's our best shot at the moment.
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[Yann] So whether this will take us all the way
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[Yann] to human level intelligence or something
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[Yann] or just cat level intelligence is not clear,
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[Yann] but among all the possible approaches
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[Yann] that people have proposed, I think it's our best shot.
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[Yann] So I think this idea of an intelligence system
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[Yann] filling in the blanks, either predicting the future,
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[Yann] inferring the past, filling in missing information.
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[Yann] I'm currently filling the blank of what is behind your head
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[Yann] and what your head looks like from the back
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[Yann] because I have basic knowledge about how humans are made.
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[Yann] And I don't know if you're gonna,
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[Yann] what word you're gonna say,
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[Yann] which point you're gonna speak,
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[Yann] whether you're gonna move your head this way or that way,
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[Yann] which way you're gonna look,
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[Yann] but I know you're not gonna just dematerialize
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[Yann] and reappear three meters down the hall
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[Yann] because I know what's possible and what's impossible
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[Lex] So you have a model of what's possible,
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[Lex] what's impossible and then you'd be very surprised
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[Lex] if it happens and then you'll have to reconstruct your model.
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[Yann] Right, so that's the model of the world.
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[Yann] It's what tells you, you know, what fills in the blanks.
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[Yann] So given your partial information
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[Yann] about the state of the world, given by your perception,
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[Yann] your model of the world fills in the missing information
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[Yann] and that includes predicting the future,
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[Yann] re-predicting the past, you know,
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[Yann] filling in things you don't immediately perceive.
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[Lex] And that doesn't have to be purely generic vision
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[Lex] or visual information or generic language.
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[Lex] You can go to specifics like predicting
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[Lex] what control decision you make
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[Lex] when you're driving in a lane.
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[Lex] You have a sequence of images from a vehicle
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[Lex] and then you have information if you record it on video
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[Lex] where the car ended up going so you can go back in time
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[Lex] and predict where the car went
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[Lex] based on the visual information.
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[Lex] That's very specific, domain specific.
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[Yann] Right, but the question is whether we can come up
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[Yann] with sort of a generic method for, you know,
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[Yann] training machines to do this kind of prediction
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[Yann] or filling in the blanks.
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[Yann] So right now, this type of approach
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[Yann] has been unbelievably successful
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[Yann] in the context of natural language processing.
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[Yann] Every modern natural language processing
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[Yann] is pre-trained in self-supervised manner
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[Yann] to fill in the blanks.
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[Yann] You show it a sequence of words, you remove 10% of them
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[Yann] and then you train some gigantic neural net
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[Yann] to predict the words that are missing.
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[Yann] And once you've pre-trained that network,
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[Yann] you can use the internal representation learned by it
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[Yann] as input to, you know, something that you train,
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[Yann] supervised or whatever.
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[Yann] That's been incredibly successful.
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[Yann] Not so successful in images, although it's making progress
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[Yann] and it's based on sort of manual data augmentation.
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[Yann] We can go into this later,
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[Yann] but what has not been successful yet
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[Yann] is training from video.
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[Yann] So getting a machine to learn,
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[Yann] to represent the visual world, for example,
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[Yann] by just watching video.
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[Yann] Nobody has really succeeded in doing this.
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[Lex] Okay, well, let's kind of give a high-level overview.
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[Lex] What's the difference in kind and in difficulty
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[Lex] between vision and language?
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[Lex] So you said people haven't been able
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[Lex] to really kind of crack the problem of vision open
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[Lex] in terms of self-supervised learning,
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[Lex] but that may not be necessarily
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[Lex] because it's fundamentally more difficult.
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[Lex] Maybe like when we're talking about achieving,
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[Lex] like passing the Turing test in the full spirit
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[Lex] of the Turing test in language might be harder than vision.
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[Lex] That's not obvious.
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[Lex] So in your view, which is harder,
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[Lex] or perhaps are they just the same problem?
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[Lex] The farther we get to solving each,
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[Lex] the more we realize it's all the same thing.
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[Lex] It's all the same cake.
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[Yann] that make them look essentially like the same cake,
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[Yann] but currently they're not.
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[Yann] And the main issue with learning world models
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[Yann] or learning predictive models is that the prediction
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[Yann] is never a single thing
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[Yann] because the world is not entirely predictable.
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[Yann] It may be deterministic or stochastic.
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[Yann] We can get into the philosophical discussion about it,
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[Yann] but even if it's deterministic,
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[Yann] it's not entirely predictable.
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[Yann] And so if I play a short video clip
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[Yann] and then I ask you to predict what's going to happen next,
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[Yann] there's many, many plausible continuations
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[Yann] for that video clip.
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[Yann] And the number of continuation grows
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[Yann] with the interval of time that you're asking the system
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[Yann] to make a prediction for.
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[Yann] And so one big question with self-supervised learning
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[Yann] is how you represent this uncertainty,
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[Yann] how you represent multiple discrete outcomes,
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[Yann] how you represent a sort of continuum
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[Yann] of possible outcomes, et cetera.
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[Yann] And if you are sort of a classical machine learning person,
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[Yann] you say, oh, you just represent a distribution, right?
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[Lex] Yeah.
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[Yann] And that we know how to do when we're predicting words,
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[Yann] missing words in the text,
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[Yann] because you can have a neural net give a score
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[Yann] for every word in the dictionary.
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[Yann] It's a big list of numbers,
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[Yann] maybe 100,000 or so.
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[Yann] And you can turn them into a probability distribution
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[Yann] that tells you when I say a sentence,
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[Yann] the cat is chasing the blank in the kitchen.
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[Yann] There are only a few words that make sense there.
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[Yann] It could be a mouse or it could be a lizard spot
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[Yann] or something like that, right?
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[Yann] And if I say the blank is chasing the blank in the savanna,
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[Yann] you also have a bunch of plausible options
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[Yann] for those two words, right?
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[Yann] Because you have kind of an underlying reality
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[Yann] that you can refer to sort of fill in those blanks.
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[Yann] So you cannot say for sure in the savanna,
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[Yann] if it's a lion or a cheetah or whatever,
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[Yann] you cannot know if it's a zebra or a do or whatever,
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[Yann] wildebeest, the same thing.
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[Yann] by just a long list of numbers.
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[Yann] and I ask you to predict a video clip,
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[Yann] it's not a discrete set of potential frames.
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[Yann] You have to have somewhere representing
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[Yann] a sort of infinite number of plausible continuations
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[Yann] of multiple frames in a high dimensional continuous space.
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[Yann] And we just have no idea how to do this properly.
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[Lex] Finite high dimensional.
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[Lex] So like you,
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[Lex] Just like the words,
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[Lex] they try to get it down to a small finite set
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[Lex] of like under a million, something like that.
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[Lex] Something like that.
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[Lex] I mean, it's kind of ridiculous
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[Lex] that we're doing a distribution
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[Lex] of every single possible word for language and it works.
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[Lex] It feels like that's a really dumb way to do it.
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[Yann] Something like that.
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[Lex] I mean, it seems to be like there should be
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[Lex] some more compressed representation
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[Lex] of the distribution of the words.
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[Yann] You're right about that.
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[Lex] And so- I agree.
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[Lex] Do you have any interesting ideas
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[Lex] about how to represent all of reality in a compressed way
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[Lex] such that you can form a distribution over it?
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[Yann] That's one of the big questions.
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[Yann] How do you do that?
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[Yann] I mean, what's kind of,
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[Yann] another thing that really is stupid about,
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[Yann] I shouldn't say stupid,
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[Yann] but like simplistic about current approaches
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[Yann] to self-supervised running in NLP in text
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[Yann] is that not only do you represent
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[Yann] a giant distribution over words,
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[Yann] but for multiple words that are missing,
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[Yann] those distributions are essentially independent
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[Yann] of each other.
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[Yann] And you don't pay too much of a price for this.
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[Yann] So you can't, so the system,
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[Yann] in the sentence that I gave earlier,
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[Yann] if it gives a certain probability for lion and cheetah,
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[Yann] and then a certain probability for gazelle,
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[Yann] wildebeest and zebra,
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[Yann] those two probabilities are independent of each other.
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[Yann] And it's not the case that those things are independent.
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[Yann] Lions actually attack like bigger animals than cheetahs.
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[Yann] So, you know, there's a huge independent hypothesis
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[Yann] in this process, which is not actually true.
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[Yann] The reason for this is that we don't know
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[Yann] how to represent properly distributions
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[Yann] over combinatorial sequences of symbols,
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[Yann] essentially when they're,
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[Yann] because the number grows exponentially
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[Yann] with the length of the symbols.
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[Yann] And so we have to use tricks for this,
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[Yann] but those techniques can, you know, get around,
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[Yann] like don't even deal with it.
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[Yann] So the big question is like,
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[Yann] would there be some sort of abstract
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[Yann] latent representation of text that would say that,
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[Yann] you know, when I switch lion for gazelle,
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[Lex] Yeah, so this independence assumption,
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[Lex] let me throw some criticism at you that I often hear
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[Lex] So this kind of filling in the blanks is just statistics.
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[Lex] You're not learning anything
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[Lex] like the deep underlying concepts.
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[Lex] You're just mimicking stuff from the past.
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[Lex] You're not learning anything new
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[Lex] such that you can use it to generalize about the world.
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[Lex] Or, okay, let me just say the crude version,
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[Lex] which is just statistics.
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[Lex] It's not intelligence.
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[Lex] What do you have to say to that?
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[Lex] What do you usually say to that
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[Yann] I don't get into those discussions
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[Yann] because they are kind of pointless.
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[Yann] So first of all, it's quite possible
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[Yann] that intelligence is just statistics.
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[Yann] It's just statistics of a particular kind.
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[Yann] Yes.
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[Lex] Is it possible that intelligence is just statistics?
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[Yann] Yeah.
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[Yann] But what kind of statistics?
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[Yann] So if you're asking the question,
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[Yann] are the models of the world that we learn,
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[Yann] do they have some notion of causality?
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[Yann] Yes.
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[Yann] So if the criticism comes from people who say,
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[Yann] current machine learning system don't care about causality,
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[Yann] which by the way is wrong,
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[Yann] I agree with them.
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[Yann] You should, your model of the world
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[Yann] should have your actions as one of the inputs.
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[Yann] And that will drive you to learn causal models of the world
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[Yann] where you know what intervention in the world
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[Yann] will cause what result.
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[Yann] Or you can do this by observation of other agents
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[Yann] acting in the world and observing the effect,
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[Yann] other humans, for example.
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[Yann] So I think at some level of description,
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[Yann] intelligence is just statistics.
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[Lex] Yes.
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[Yann] But that doesn't mean you don't have models
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[Yann] that have deep mechanistic explanation for what goes on.
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[Yann] The question is how do you learn them?
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[Yann] That's the question.
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[Yann] I'm interested in.
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[Yann] say that those mechanistic model
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[Yann] have to come from someplace else.
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[Yann] They have to come from human designers,
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[Yann] they have to come from I don't know what.
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[Yann] And obviously we learn them.
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[Yann] Or if we don't learn them as an individual,
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[Yann] nature learn them for us using evolution.
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[Yann] So regardless of what you think,
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[Yann] those processes have been learned somehow.
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[Lex] So if you look at the human brain,
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[Lex] just like when we humans introspect
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[Lex] about how the brain works,
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[Lex] it seems like when we think about what is intelligence,
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[Lex] we think about the high level stuff
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[Lex] like the models we've constructed,
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[Lex] concepts like cognitive science,
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[Lex] like concepts of memory and reasoning module,
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[Lex] almost like these high level modules.
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[Lex] Does this serve as a good analogy?
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[Lex] Are we ignoring the dark matter,
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[Lex] the basic low level mechanisms,
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[Lex] just like we ignore the way the operating system works,
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[Lex] we're just using the high level software.
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[Lex] We're ignoring that at the low level,
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[Lex] the neural network might be doing something like statistics.
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[Lex] Sorry to use this word.
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[Lex] It probably.